About Me

I am a student, pursuing Btech in Computer Engineering. I was always facinated about computers,not the hardware but software always took my attention towards it and I was very excited to learn how a website, a app or how games are built and always wanted to learn it and so I took admission in Computer Engineering. And now I am happy that I am learning things day by day, well I am not yet master in anything but soon I will be. I like to learn how to built website (Front-End) also I like coding, C++ is my favourite language. I am also working on my problem solving skills, I do practice problems on Code-Chef,Leet Code when I am free. Also I do edit photos and love to click photos. My goal is to become a Software Engineer and surely I will achieve it.



At Present

  • > Pillai College of Engineering
  • Pursuing Btech Computer Engineering
  • > PACE IIT & Medical
  • Completed 12th in the year 2021
  • > Holy Writ High School & Junior College
  • Completed 10th in the year 2019
  • Currently I am a fresher but I have Projects.
  • > Internship
  • Full Stack Intern at Innomatics Research Labs
  • > Education
  • In Fourth Semester
  • > Projects
  • Working on some college project & some other projects too

My Skills

Web development

Proficient in HTML, CSS, and Javascript and now working on Backend with willingness to continously learn and improve

Competitive Programming

I have recently started CP and I do practice questions on Code-Chef and LeetCode. Not best but I am trying my level best to be best in CP.

Photo Editing

I like to edit and click photos. I think I am pretty good at editing photos on mobile using Lightroom, Picsart and many more tools

Tools and Programming languages that I use for development and making projects


I use this language for creating Websites.


For styling and designing Websites.


I use this language for making websites responsive and build them with full functionality.

Git Hub

I use this tool for publishing my works and projects in the repository, and also contributing in open source projects.


I am learning this programming language and I have also build some projects using this language.


I am learning this programming language and I do prefer this language in Competitive Coding also this is my favourite language.


This is the first language which I learnt

My Work (Projects)


It is a Movie and TV-Show finding/Exploring Web Application. It uses TMDB API for getting movies and tv-show information

Tic-Tac Toe Game

It's simple game which we play on paper in classroom. It is build with pure HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Python Planner

This is a Planner made with Python(Tkinter). This can be used to plan your day and list-down imp work to do.

Food Heaven

This is a website for mess. Here you can have a monthly and weekly meal plans

Music Player

It's a music player you can add your favourite songs and listen to them.

Contact Me